Thursday, May 31, 2007

REPLY: I want you back!

Your shot: miss
My shot: I9

Okay, I'll keep that up, and by the way I didn't get my name on the board today either. That's good, isn't it? Yes, I am getting really excited about school almost ending. Okay, you can put it on a disc if you want. Hopefully you'll remember to send it. Yes, I really hope these 7 weeks go by super fast! One second - snap! - you're there. That's what I wish.

My day was perfect. As I said, I didn't get my name on the board. This morning we did our morning stuff. I have to go because I haven't said anything for like 2 minutes.

Goodbye, I love you, I wish I could see you in the morning.


Email for you

Your shot: Miss
My shot: A3

I am glad that you didn't get your name on the board. That's awesome. I want you to keep that up, ok? Just a couple of weeks left before school gets out…are you getting excited about that yet?

I have another video to send you guys, but it's WAY to big to email so I'm going to put it on a disc, okay?

I have another busy day ahead of me. I was here really late last night, and now I’m back early in the morning. Just the way it goes sometimes, you know? I should be able to get lots of work done today because I don't have any meetings today (hooray!). Not yet, anyways…

Well, it's the last day of May. Tomorrow starts June. And June is the month before I get to come home! We've got about 7 weeks left out here. I hope that these 7 weeks go by really fast, don't you? Then I can squeeze you and give you hugs and kisses and cook with you and play with you and blow bubbles for you and all kinds of stuff!

I love you!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

REPLY: Email for one, email for two, not email for none, but email for you!

Your shot: Miss
My shot: F4

Yes, I still like that long snake. Yay! (for the bubbles you'll blow when
you get home) Yeah, I kind of know what you mean about being tired of each
other a little bit. Yes, I do need help with the clues, but I can't do them
this night either because I have to go to bed early.

I'll say a few things about my day and then I'll go, okay? Well, my day was
a little above good. About 2 inches above the word good if you wrote it on a
piece of paper. Today I didn't get my name on the board. HOORAY! Aren't you
glad I didn't get my name on the board, too? I just watered my plant because
it really really needed it. We had show and tell way earlier than we
normally do.

Goodbye, I love you. I wish I could see you in the morning. Until you come
Love you, Mommy. Goodbye.


RE: Email for one, email for two, and email for you!

Your shot: Miss
My shot: A1

So, you weren't spanked severely, but you weren't exactly perfect
either. That's ok. I still love you bunches and bunches!

You got your snake back - that's cool. You still like that snake? You
don't play with it all that much, but I bet you could play with Balen
with it. That would be cute. I though you guys playing with bubbles
was really cool. I will blow bubbles for both of you to chase around
when I get home, okay?

I've been very busy lately, since the new people are settling in and now
they are starting to ask us for stuff. And people keep coming to me and
asking me about different projects and if we can do this or if we can do
that. It's driving some of us crazy!!! We can't wait to get out of
here. It's hot and really dusty and everything is dirty and we're tired
of the same food all the time. We're tired of each other a little bit
too...know what I mean?

Do you still want help with the clues?

I'm gonna get to work kiddo. I actually am typing this email at night
time for me, but I have so much stuff to get done that I am staying in
the office late tonight. Just too much to do right now. I should be
able to knock a few things off my list tonight though, and that'll be

Love you lots, Little Punk!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Re: Email for one, email for two, and email for you!

Your shot: Miss
My shot: J5

Yes, I did enjoy the tulips while they were blooming. No, no one commented
on them. Yes, they were pretty. I am reading a book called "The Black
Stallion and Flame". Yes, we are building a new desk. Yes, sometimes I look
after Balen for Daddy. Yes, I did see the new video that you sent to me.

My day was perrr-fect. Except for the night and the morning. In the morning
I didn't get ready quick and so I lost mostly everything. At least I didn't
get my name on the board at school. At night I screwed around when I was
cleaning my room and doing my homework. I ate dinner pretty quickly and I
didn't mess around in my shower. So I got those two things back again. I was
going to get five at first, but then I lost two and I was going to get three
back. But then I got those two back. So I'm back up to getting five again.
I'm so glad that I didn't get my name on the baord. If I did get my name on
the board, then I would have gotten spanked severely. If I got spanked
severely, it would definitely not feel good. Because severely means really
really bad. I guess Daddy was being a little nice by letting me get my big
long snake from down in the basement when he said I'm only allowed to get
stuff from in my room. But I asked if I could have that snake in the
basement, and he said yes. I was really glad and I hugged him. I think I
should go now.

Goodbye, I love you, I wish I could see you in the morning. Until you come


RE: Email for one, email for two, and email for you!

Your shot: Miss
My Shot: B2

Did you enjoy the tulips while they were blooming? I hope so...were
they pretty? Did anyone comment on them that you know of?

And I'm glad that going to George's sounds good to you! We'll have a
good time, and enjoy some delicious food!!

What book are you reading? You guys are building a new desk? Cool! Do
you sometimes take care of Balen for Daddy? That's very responsible of
you! I know that you are a great big sister. I saw the videos of you
guys on the swing, and I really, really missed you two when I saw you
hugging him close to you. I wanted to hug you both very close to me! I
miss you guys a bunch!

Well, little miss, I should get going. I'm going to send more pictures
of me very soon. I sent another video - did you see it?

I love you,

Monday, May 28, 2007

Re: Email for one, email for two, and email for you!

Your shot: Miss
My shot: F7

Okay, no misbehaving (By the way, Aunt Danusia left this morning). Yes, all the tulips are done blooming. They're still left on the berm, but any that are left have died out. Yes, that sounds good: going to George's for breakfast when you come back home.

I'm sorry, but I don't have time to do the clue thing tonight either. It's 8:45. Almost about 8:50. It's that late because I went to Mr Joe's parents' house for dinner. Well, I woke up and I went downstairs and I ate breakfast and read my book. Soon after that when I got to chapter 5 I ate some breakfast. Later in the day I took a nap at 3:00. When I woke up I went downstairs and helped Daddy in the basement with building the new desk. Soon after that I checked on Balen. He was awake and a few minutes after that we left to go to dinner at Mr Joe's parents' house. That's my day.

Goodbye, I love you. Until the next power email!


Email for you!

Your shot: Miss
My shot: D4

I hope that you are behaving well for Auntie Danusia! No misbehaving, okay?

So are the tulips all done blooming? Are there any left on the berm?

My day was pretty nice, really. I woke up and then dozed for about an hour, then got up and sent to breakfast. That reminds me…one of the things I want to do when I get home is go to breakfast at George's. Does that sound good? Anyways, then I went back to my room and made some coffee and had some chocolate. I went to the chapel with JB (one of my Airmen) and we drank coffee and ate some fancy cookies and talked, and another guy joined us. Then we practiced for church, then we did church (praise band) and then I went back to my room and rested for a little while. Then I came in to work and got a few things done, which is good. Then I changed and went to dinner with the rest of my flight with one of the contractors. They cooked food for us. We had chicken and rice and beans and salad and artichoke and hummus and sausage and pizza too. It was really good. Way better than the DFAC food, because we got to eat it as soon as it was ready, nice and hot and fresh. Fresh is key!

Well, Little Punk, I should get going. Give your brother an extra hug for me…I'm really missing the little guy right now. You too, but at least I can talk to you on the phone. I like that…

Try to put all the clues in order, ok? Then let me know (by telling me the words) what order everything is in.

Love you,

Saturday, May 26, 2007

REPLY: Hit!!

Your shot: miss
My shot: I4

Yes, we have had visitors lately. And yes, I do like it when family comes over for a visit. I do think it's fun to have family visit. The weather is... Guess what? terrible, horrible, it's too hot! It's badly warm but I can wear shorts and sandals along with a thin t-shirt. I hate it that way. My favorite seasons are spring, winter along with autumn, your favorite season and my favorite season toooooooo!!

The first clues date is... nothing. (I said nothing because there is no date on the first clue that you sent me.) The second date is 28th of January, the third is 25th of February, fourth is fourth of March, number 5 is twelfth of March, number 6 is 30th of March, number 7 is 5th of April, number 8 is 10th of April, number 9 is 15th of April, number 10 is 23rd of April and 11th is 10th of May. And that's all the dates. Now you reply to me if that is the right order or not the right order.

My day was fine. Cousin Michelle left this morning. We also took a walk to the new park by the police station with Auntie Danusia and Balen in the stroller and Jazz the crazy, crazy, crazy, super wazy dog. I arrived at the playground first with Jazz and went down the slide and it was kind of I went to one side and then the other and then the other and then the other, and when I turned to the third turn, Jazz flew off of the slide!!! And I kind of flew off too because I kind of lifted up and fell and turned over and fell on my ear and it hurt and I started to cry but it turned into laughing because it was so funny. I want to do it again tomorrow. I want to go down that slide with Jazz. And I went down the slides with Balen a bunch of times. Balen really liked it.

Good bye, I love you, I wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next phone call/email...
Love, Abigail


Your shot: Miss
My shot: E5

You've had visitors there at the house lately, haven't you? Do you like it
when family comes to visit? I think it's fun, don't you?

It was a busy morning for me, but now that I'm through with the briefing
I had to give today, things are slowing down a little bit for me, and
that's a good thing. I've got practice tonight for our little praise
band (it's not the same now that a new rotation of people have come in)
but then I think I'll watch a movie tonight. And just try to relax for
a little while.

So how is the weather out there? Is it nice and warm so that you can
wear shorts and sandals all the time? Do you like it that way? Is your
favorite season still spring? I still love means that the
summer is gone and I won't have to be hot anymore! And I love winter,
too. And I like spring. I just don't like summer very much. I don't
like being hot. It's uncomfortable.

Well, baby girl, I should get back to work. Even though the tough part
of my day is over, there is still a lot of stuff that I need to do.

I love you!

P.S. Are you ever going to tell me the clues you have to try to figure
out what order they go in?

Friday, May 25, 2007


Your shot: Miss
My shot:G6

Hello, Mommy!

I have to make a quick hi-bye email. (I mean like, "Hello! Oh dear! I need to go!) It's 10:02!

Goodbye, I love you, I wish I could see you in the morning.


P.S.Aunt Danushia came tonight.


Your shot: Hit - you sunk my carrier!
My shot: G7

Absolutely!!! I would love to see you singing! I tried to do another
video of myself for you guys but it is too big to email. I'll have to
try again.

I have a lot of work to do today to get ready for a briefing tomorrow
that will probably take a long time, because our big boss is new so
he'll have lots of questions. I'll only have to do this briefing one
more time after this one! That's good, huh? There are a few things
that I've only got one or two left of, like the monthly promotion and
awards ceremony, and the briefing I'll be giving.

Well, I need to get crakin'! Or, get crack-a-lackin' as some people say
out here just to be silly! I wish I could see you in the bright morning
as well, little sweetie!

I love you,

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Your shot: Miss
My shot: G10

Hi, Mamma!

I can't do the clue thing tonight either because it's 8:08pm. Speaking of the clock, which is past my bedtime, I should go.

Is it okay if we send three videos of me singing?

I love you and I wish I could see you in the bright morning.
Until you come back...


RE: REPLY: Miss!!

Your shot: Hit!
My shot: H8

Hey baby girl! You know that you are still my baby girl, don't you? I
love my girl!
So tell me what order you have your clues in. I will tell you if you
are right or wrong. Why don't you tell me the first 7 or 8, whatever
you think makes the most sense, ok?

It sure is getting hot out here. It's about 105 right now, and it's
7pm. Crazy, huh? By the time I get home, I'm going to think that it's
cold there in NJ, even though it's summer. I can't wait to get out of
here - it's hot, it's dirty, and I really miss you guys!

Goodnight, my sweet! Until tomorrow's email!


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Re: REPLY: Miss!!

Your shot: Miss
My shot: F10

Yes, I'm getting in trouble at school for talking. Yep, I am lucky that Daddy was nice to me. Um, okay, I'll try to be extra nice for him. I think the writing idea is a pretty good idea. I'm going to see if I can try to do it. She'll probably get mad at me for not paying attention.

My day was fine. I got my name on the board, I don't remember why, though. I just think I should go because it's 8:44. It's past my bedtime. Daddy was nice to me this afternoon.

I love you, I wish I could see you in the morning. But this time, until the next email.


RE: REPLY: Miss!!

Your shot: Hit!
My shot: I9

My sweet little Abigail! You are getting in trouble at school for
talking, aren't you? You need to learn to keep your mouth shut when the
teacher is teaching. I know that it's tough. I think something you can
try is to write while the teacher is talking. That's quiet and won't
disturb anybody. Ideally, you would just sit still and be quiet and not
do anything. But if I know you and if you are anything like me (which I
do know you and you are like me) then you would probably benefit from
doing a little writing instead of talking. What do you think of that?

It's lucky for you that Daddy was nice to you, huh? You make sure that
you treat him extra nice, ok? Be good for him.

I need to get to work! Until the next EMAIL! No more dangerous World


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

REPLY: Miss!!

Your shot: Miss
My shot: E10

Allo, Mama!

Yes, hitting the restart button by accident really does stink, especially when you're doing an email. I think I do need help putting them in order, the clues anyway. I'll do it tomorrow night because it's so late. Daddy was nice to me even though I was really bad today. I got two checkmarks plus my name on the board. If you already have your name on the board, and Mrs. Maynard says, "Your name is already on the board, go put a checkmark." I think 50/50 for homeschooling me for third grade. Okay, I'll think about the other option.

Goodbye, I love you. I wish I could see you in the bright morning. Until the next most dangerous World War CMLXVII.



I got this late last night...I wonder how come?
Your shot: Hit!
My shot: J10

Well, hitting the restart button by accident really stinks, doesn't it? Oh well...

I just sent you two more clues today. I am guessing that you will get it later next week. Do you need help putting them in order? You can tell me what you have and what order you think they go in, and I can tell you if that's right or not, and help you figure it all out.

Just a few weeks of school left to you, huh? That must be exciting for you! Soon you'll be done with the second grade! That's so awesome! You'll be ready for third grade! You know that we plan on home schooling you for third grade, right? What do you think of that? Do you think it's a good idea or a bad idea? The other option would be to send you to school, but you would be a new kid in the school and you wouldn't know anyone, unless we met some neighbors with kids in school who are your age before school started. Think about it some and let me know what you think, okay?

Well, I should get going. I love you, Little Punk! Behave yourself!


Monday, May 21, 2007

REPLY: We're resending the email

No, we're not starting horseback riding lessons yet.

My day was good. I got no name on the board. I was able to play my computer for like 15 minutes or so, we went to Miss Kim and Mr. Joe's house for dinner at 5:00, and other fun things at school. We didn't have a substitute today. It's okay, though. My day was just as fine with a substitute. I should go right now. Sorry I didn't get to tell you much about my day; it's 8:41.

Goodbye, I love you, beautiful mother. I wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next most dangerous World War DXXXIV.



What? No email from my girl?
Well, that's ok. I can still send you one!

Have you started horseback riding lessons again yet? If not, you should probably start it up soon!!!
Maybe we can schedule it for two times per week after school gets out so that we make sure you get all your lessons in. That's something Daddy will have to decide though, not me, since he's the one who has to bring you there and take care of Balen and everything else.

Today is being filled with lots of meetings. Not a very exciting day, and I'm not getting that much work done so far because I just haven't had a chance to sit down for more than 20 minutes to take care of anything! Tomorrow will be kind of like this as well, but Wed will be better.

Well, Sweetie, I need to get going. I started this email earlier in the day but I'm just now finishing it, and it's time to quite working so I can go get some dinner!

I love you! I wish I could say "see you in the morning" but of course I can't.


Sunday, May 20, 2007


Your shot: Miss
My shot: C10

Hi Momma!

Yes, I think the time will go by pretty quickly. No I haven't thought about the clues you've been sending me for a while. Yes, I apparently do need help. No, the clues are not in order, I'm sorry. Speaking of the clues, when will I get the next clue?

I think I should go now, because it's 8:11. I had to start my email over again because I accidentally hit the restart button on my computer with my knee.

Goodbye, I love you. I wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next most dangerous World War CCCLXII.


RE: REPLY: Hit, Darnit!

Your shot: Hit!
My shot: B4

Sorry that Balen was a little stinker and unplugged your machine. You will learn, working with computers, that it is wise to hit the save button often so that if something does happen to your computer, you don't have to redo all that work again. Believe me, I've lost some documents that I had spent hours on and had to redo the's best to save early and save often!

I'm sorry that you guys aren't used to me being gone. I will come home in a couple more months. Just 2 left. I hope these next two months go by quickly! Here are some milestones we have to look forward to:
The start of June
Your last day of 2nd grade
The start of summer (21 Jun)
The start of July
The 4th of July
When my replacements get here (around 18 Jul)
When I leave here (around 21 Jul)
When I get home (around 24 Jul)

Today is the 20th of May, so we only have 11 days of May left before it is June! I think the time will go by pretty quickly. What do you think?

Hey - have you figured out any more of the clues I've been sending you? Do you need any help? Are they still all in order?

I love you Abigail!

REPLY: Hit, Darnit!

Your shot: Hit!
My shot: D10

Balen is doing fine. He is becoming a pain in the butt, though. But we have to deal with it, he is just a baby. Daddy is doing fine. Except for getting mad at me and stuff (By the way, I printed 5 pictures. I was on, fun games and activities, and it said that there was an ink error on my computer, and something was wrong with the printer, so it printed out two copies of one picture when it was set to one copy.) I think Balen is used to you not being around. Daddy said he's not really used to you not being around. And I'm not really used to you not being around.

Goodbye, I love you, my mother. I wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next most dangerous World War MMDCCCLIII.

p.s. Balen shut down the computer by pulling on my alarm clock. The alarm clock was hooked on to the power cord of the computer. Then when he tugged on the power cord, it pulled the power cord out of the back of the computer so it shut down the computer so my first email was erased.

RE: REPLY: Hit!!

Your shot: Miss
My shot: D2

My day was ok yesterday too. Not good, not bad, just another day. Or I could say that it was both good and bad. See, a lot of people left here yesterday. We have a lot of new people here now. I'm glad that some of the people who left are gone, because I didn't get along with some of them very well. But I'm also sad that some of them are gone, because they are my friends. Sgt Gordon was my best friend out here, but he left yesterday. Bummer.

I hope that today was a better day for you - no name on the board, I hope!

How is your brother doing? How is Daddy? Do you think the boys miss having Mommy around, or do you think they are just used to it now?

Well, I'm gonna get to my work day. Good night, Sweetheart!

Friday, May 18, 2007

REPLY: Hit!!

Your shot: Hit!!
My shot: G5

Allo!! (That means hello)

My day was a little below O-K. Luckily I didn't get my name on the board today. That's good. But Mrs. Maynard got mad at me quite a few times. Gabriella and I somehow squeezed slightly Through and still got a sticker for the day and nearly got our names on the board, but we didn't. Whew. I'm glad I didn't get my name on the board. I think I should go because it's 8:00.

Goodbye, I love you, I wish I could see you until the next World War MMMDCXLII.



Your shot: Hit! You sunk my battleship! You little punk!
My shot: C2

Was it a good day having a substitute teacher? Sometimes it's cool to have a substitute, and sometimes it's not, don't you think?

I'm gonna keep this one short, because I've got quite a bit of work to's like you said, sometimes you don't know what to type!

But I know that I love you and miss you and can't wait to be home with you again! I'm really REALLY starting to miss home cooked food! I can't wait to get home to some good food, and I will love cooking with you again!


Thursday, May 17, 2007


Your shot: Miss
My shot: G1

Yeah, I know it's hard to figure out what to say when your typing an email. You have to like, sit there for a minute or two and... you know what I mean, Right? Yes, I saw the videos you sent me.

My day was fine. We had a substitute today. Her name was Ms. Perez (I think that's how you spell her name). Balen's writing on my Endangerables Outback Explorer from Outback with a pencil. I just want to go now, because I want to clean my room so I can get done with it and play my game.

Goodbye, I love you, I wish I could see you until the next World War MMMDCLII.


RE: REPLY: Hit!!

Your shot: Hit!
My shot: E3

That's ok if you want to go play games instead of sending me an's not that big a deal. I know that sometimes it's hard to figure out what to say on email, isn't it?

Did you see the videos of the dust storm we have yesterday? It made the whole sky turn orange. It was kind of weird. But it lasted all afternoon and into the night. Now, this morning, EVERYTHING is covered in a layer of fine, powdery dust. And I mean EVERYTHING. The vehicles, the streets, the rocks, the trees and plants, handles on doors, windows and window sills. It was so bad, and the dust was so fine, that even inside buildings was getting dusty. There was no where anyone could go to escape the dust. It was crazy.

I finally saw and heard the tv interview. You did an excellent job, Sweetie!

I've got to get to work now. Goodnight!


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

REPLY: Hit!!

Your shot: Hit!!
My shot:H1


I want to tell my class, but my class will say I'm rubbing it in.

For Mother's Day, even though Mother's Day has passed, last Friday I made a Happy Mother's Day card. It's not really a card, it's made out of construction paper, but it's not a card. We're going to send a picture of the outside and the inside. All these nights from Mother's Day I had forgotten to tell you about the card in my emails. That's why I'm telling you so late. Today I didn't get my name on the board and I got something back for this morning. I did get ready pretty quick. So I'm getting two things. One for the morning and not getting my name on the board today.

By the way, about the mistake on TV, really I just thought I said "morning" when I actually said "night". To tell the truth, I want to go so I can play my game. I don't want to lie to you, I want to tell the truth. I want to play my game. Last time I tried to lie to you by saying, "I don't know why, but I want to go." When really, I knew what I wanted to do, I wanted to play my game. So this time I'm not going to try to lie, because I know Daddy is going to catch it. I shouldn't lie because it's the wrong thing to do.

Goodbye, I love you, I wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next World War MMDCXXXVIII

p.s. Balen is doing fine.

RE: REPLY: Yay!! I finally got an email from you without any problems!

Your shot: Hit
My shot: E2

Well, today has turned out to be a DUST STORM! It was really orange outside earlier - it was crazy! I sent home a couple of "news reports" for you guys - ask Daddy about them. I hope you like them. If you go outside for a little bit, when you come back inside you can wipe your face with a damp paper towel and it will be brown from all the dirt that comes off your face. Very dirty! There's dirt in my nose, in my ears, and if I open my mouth I'll be chewing on sand! It's really quite crazy! I hope that shows in the videos...

I think I know why it may be confusing for you to answer someone about sending me emails: you send them at night for you, but you often tell me good morning because you know that it's morning for me. See?

Do you not want to tell your class about it? You don't have to, I'm just curious about how you feel about being on tv and how you feel about sharing that with everyone. Not a big deal though.

I'm glad that you are being good to your brother. I hope that you continue to be good to your brother!

I love you!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

REPLY: Yay!! I finally got an email from you without any problems!

Your shot: Miss
My shot: I1


Well, too bad you got a miss! Hopefully next time you will get a hit! Oh, it was really exciting to be on TV! I am not really telling my class about it. Some of them knew about it without me telling them. The first question Mr.Cavuto asked was "How are you doing?". I said "Fine. Every night I send e-mails to mommy well night anyways" and then he laughed. I thought I said morning. I will be good to my brother, I have been good to him lately. Oh yeah, boys are definitely annoying sometimes. I think I should go now because it is 7:47, close enough to my bedtime. I also want to play my game but we will have to call daddy and ask him. (Miss Kim is here because daddy's car battery died).

Goodbye, I love you , wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next World War MMMMMCCXXXV.


RE: REPLY: Don't worry, I sent you an email!

Your shot: Hit!
My shot: G2 (I can't believe I hit two ships in a row!!! That's so cool!)

I'm very happy that your day was "perrrrrrrrrrrrrfecto" and you got some more things back! That's awesome! It makes me happy, even all the way out here! :o)

Was being on tv exciting for you, or not a big deal? Are you telling all the kids in your class about it? I bet they will think it's really cool. Did you like being on tv? What was the first question that Mr. Cavuto asked you?

I miss you, Abigail. I love you lots and miss you lots. Please be good to your brother, okay? Daddy says he's definitely behaving like a little brother, because he pinches you and pulls your hair and slaps you. Boys can be so annoying sometimes, don't you think?

I need to get going Sweet Pea...lots of work to do, as always.


RE: REPLY: Don't worry, I sent you an email!

Your shot: Hit!
My shot: G2 (I can't believe I hit two ships in a row!!! That's so cool!)

I'm very happy that your day was "perrrrrrrrrrrrrfecto" and you got some more things back! That's awesome! It makes me happy, even all the way out here! :o)

Was being on tv exciting for you, or not a big deal? Are you telling all the kids in your class about it? I bet they will think it's really cool. Did you like being on tv? What was the first question that Mr. Cavuto asked you?

I miss you, Abigail. I love you lots and miss you lots. Please be good to your brother, okay? Daddy says he's definitely behaving like a little brother, because he pinches you and pulls your hair and slaps you. Boys can be so annoying sometimes, don't you think?

I need to get going Sweet Pea...lots of work to do, as always.


Monday, May 14, 2007

REPLY: Don't worry, I sent you an email!

Hopefully you get this email that I'm sending you!!!

Your World with Neil Cavuto show:
Allo! This is Neil Cavuto! Just kidding. Me and Daddy were on TV. So was Balen, but Balen wasn't sitting in a chair on camera. Balen's only in pictures during the show. We're going to send you the show. The title is, "Your World with Neil Cavuto". That's why I have that at the top. I also went to in the waiting room. I call it the waiting room. They call it the Green Room. That's a funny name for a room. We had these little ear thingies where we would hear Mr. Cavuto. He was talking to me! But mostly Daddy. I can't believe I'm on TV finally!! It's been my dream!! NOT. It hasn't really been my dream, but it's just really cool to be on TV. I never thought I would be on TV. That's just so cool! There was a little microphone hooked onto our shirts. It had to go under our shirts. Touching our skin, well, the wire anyway. The actual microphone was clipped onto the neck of our shirts. He asked me some questions, and the first question Mr. Cavuto asked me, when I answered, he laughed. I thought I said, "Morning". But really, I had said, "Night". So I had said, "Well, night anyways." The second question he asked me I said more than I did to answer the first question.

I think I should go now, goodbye, I love you, I wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next World War MMMDCCCLVI.

My day was Perrrrrrrrrrrrrfecto!!!!!!!!!!


Fw: REPLY: HIT!!!!

Here's the email that I sent you last night... For the second time.

I love you, second lady of the house! (I'm saying I'm the first lady of the house, you're the second)

[the last email to mommy was forwarded]

No email?

That's ok…no big deal. So, are you going to be on tv, or just Daddy? Is Balen? I want you to tell me all about it if you get the chance, okay?

I had another busy day today, but most of it was in the office, and I was able to get quite a bit of work done! I'm excited about that, because there are a lot of things that I've been trying to get done, and just haven't quite finished them. Well, got a few of them done today! Hooray!!!

I got your Mother's Day card today - thank you very much! I love you, my little punk! I also love the big poster you made for me - it's beautiful! You are so creative, Abigail! I can't wait to do something fun with you when I get home!

Lots of new people are arriving here - the four-monthers are rotating out. Soon, everyone that I came here with will be gone (except for the other people on 6-month deployments). That's both happy and sad. Happy because it means we're that much closer to going home ourselves, and happy because there are a few people that I just don't want to be around anymore! And sad because I've made some good friends here, and they are leaving. That stinks. But, that's part of being in the military. You meet lots of people, and make friends, and then you have to leave. It's like that for you too, because you have to move when I move. I'm sorry that it's like that for you. I think after my next assignment I'll get out, so that you don't have to go through that anymore. What do you think of that?

I love you little miss. Behave yourself!

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Your shot: hit!
My shot: J1

My day was good. Instead of Viva Pinata, I played Spirit: Forever Free. I got all my computer games back, even my game case! I don't know why I got it back. I know it was because I was being good, but I don't know what I did to be good. Or it was just a little treat. I don't know. Well, the party yesterday was fun, and the airshow. I got some little planes: A brown F-4 and a red F-4, a white 747 and a shiny blue 747, and some others. I got 12 airplanes. I want to play my game, so I want to go. Sorry, I almost lied to you. I said, "I don't know why, but I want to go". Then Daddy said, "You do know why, you want to play your game." I said, "yes." So I said something else.

Goodbye, I love you, I wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next World War MMMDCLXVIII



Your shot: Miss
My shot: E4 (Daddy was right! He's figured out my pattern!)

I wish I could see you in the morning! I can't wait to get home and do some of the things we were doing together, like cooking dinner and crafts.

Oh, and that's really cool that we had Taco Bell on the same day! Neato, huh? Our Taco Bell out here doesn't have all the menu items that the ones back home have, but there are tacos and burritos and nachos and chicken quesadilla. It's nice to have something that's like home. I'm tired of the DFAC - all the food is cooked the same way so it almost all tastes the same. Things aren't made the way we make it at home, and I miss my home cooking. I miss good fresh food. When I get home, I want to go grocery shopping at Wegman's and make a really yummy dinner or two or three! And breakfast. And heck, even lunch!!! :o)

I'm gonna get going Sweetheart. I love you lots! Don't stay up too late tonight, okay? Tonight should be a school night for you!


Saturday, May 12, 2007

Re: REPLY: Miss

Your shot: HIT!!!!!
My Shot: F2

Mommy! We did have Taco Bell on the same day! I can't believe you got a hit! Daddy said your next shot would probably be C6, and that's what your shot was. Daddy is thinking your next shot is going to be E4. Is it going to be E4? That's funny, what you said was funny. "There are other people who are telling him what to do, and I need to go yell at them." That's what's funny. I need to end my email right now because it's way past my bed time; 11:39pm. Luckily it's not a school night, that's good.

Goodbye, I love you. I wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next World War DCXCII.



Your shot: Miss
My shot: C6

I can't take much time to send you a good long email today...I have to go help one of my Airmen get some barriers moved - there are other people who are telling him what to do, and I need to go yell at them.

I'm glad you had some fun game time! Hey guess what - they just opened up the Taco Bell trailer here, so I'm going to have some Taco Bell for dinner tonight! Maybe one night you guys can have Taco Bell and I can have Taco Bell on the same day, and we can pretend that we're having dinner together? Maybe that's a silly idea though, because we won't be having dinner at the same time...

Anyways, I've got to go! I love you!


Friday, May 11, 2007


Your shot: Miss
My Shot: I7

Yep, it does seem like it's been quite a while since we've talked. Daddy's the one who takes care of the house plants. I'm going to try to take care of my daisy more often. I know I need to water it because last night when I came home from the meeting I made a little hole with my finger and I stuck my finger deep down in the hole and I felt that it was dry. Then I put some little flowers in the hole. I got the little flowers from the meeting. It means that you have a member of the family gone out in Iraq.

My day was fine. I can't believe that your room got flooded with toilet water! I'm sitting on Daddy's lap, and Balen is sitting on my lap! I don't think we've ever done this except for in pictures. I played some Viva Pinata today, almost an hour or so. It was a pretty long time. My belly has been having a cramp for quite a while. It wasn't half of the day, but a little bit less than half the day. My belly has the cramp right now.

Too bad you haven't gotten a hit on battleship yet. I'm the only one that's gotten a hit. Balen has some of my pajammies right now. It's a pajammie shirt with a purple star on it. I want to go now, I don't know why. I just don't have anything else to talk about. I know I didn't say very much about my day.

Goodbye, I love you, I wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next World War MCCCXCIV.


RE: REPLY: Miss!!!!!!!!!!

Your shot: Miss
My shot: A8

Yes, I can take a picture of my camera for you!
I did a couple of videos of my room already - I think I'll have to send them home on discs though, because they are too big to email. But I don't type the emails to from my room. I type them here at work.

I'm glad I got to talk to you for a little bit today! It seems like it has been a while since we've talked, doesn't it? I'm glad the house plants are doing fine...are you the one who takes care of them, or is it Daddy? Or do both of you remind each other about it?

Well Sweetie, I'm sorry for the short email. I need to get to dinner, then I'm going to actually go to my room and rest/relax for a little bit. I've been coming back to work almost every night for the last couple of weeks, and even though I do still have more stuff to do, I need a little break from it all. So, I'm going to have dinner, go to my new room and shower and change, then stay in my room for a while and read or watch tv or a movie or something.


I love you! I love you all!

RE: Why didn't I get an email from you.

Yes, Ma'am, I sent you an email it is again.

I'm so glad you had a perfect day! I guess getting to stay home from school and play games would make a perfect day for a second grader, huh?

Well, this morning has been a little crazy so far - I woke up and my room was flooded! The water line that goes to the toilet broke, and water was spraying everywhere! I just got into work a little bit ago, after cleaning up all the water. Now someone's got to come out and fix the broken line. I hope they get it done today!

Well, kiddo, I've got to get to my work...a late start for me because of the flood in my room. I love you and miss you. I'm sorry you didn't get the email I sent you yesterday - hopefully you get this one!


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Why didn't I get an email from you.

I wonder why. Did you send me one?

Oh, it's already 8:30. I think I should make just a quick few little sentences, then bye bye. My day was perfect. Perrrfecto! Beautiful perrrrfecto! Well, I played some Viva Pinata today. Also, first thing this morning, we took the Xterra to the mechanics. Now we have a nice blue car. Tomorrow we might be able to take a picture of it and send it to you, a picture of it all around. I think I should just go right now.

Goodbye, I love you, I wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next World War MMMDMXXLIII


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

REPLY: Miss!!!!!!!!!!

Your shot: Miss
My shot: F9

Can you take a picture of your camera? I forgot what it looked like. Can you take two videos of your room? I want one of you showing me around in your new room, and one of you typing one of your emails to me. ;;;;;o) ( The face has ten eyes!! Ahhhhhh!!)

My day was fine. I had my name on the board, but I got it erased as a grace. I'm glad I got my name erased. We didn't have a recess because of the field trip. I had a good time at the field trip. Mr Maynard took us to see the inside of a KC-10 and learn about parts of the KC-10. We also saw some falcons. They told us that the falcons would scare away any birds that came just in case, like in a video Daddy showed me, a bird would go into the engine. The falcons were chained so they wouldn't attack each other. It wasn't really a chain, but it seemed like a long shoe-lace. It wasn't a lace, but a long black string with a metal ring or something, and that ring was attached to a little pole with a circle about 3 or 4 inches long. It was like fake grass. I don't mean like the easter basket kind of grass, but maybe the same material. I don't know. But anyways, back to my field trip. Mr Maynard turned on all the KC-10, I think they're called, flight controls, but he turned some kind of controls on and we watched the back of the tail wave from left to right, left to right. I think it was 3 yards long, the end of the tail. Also, we saw a part of the wing move up and down. One moved up, the other moved down while the other was moving up. I think I should go now, because it's 7:09 pm and I still need to take my shower. Tonight we did homework, then email, and then shower. We did it differently tonight.

Goodbye, I love you, I wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next World War MMMMMD.



Your shot: miss
My shot: B10

Yep - HOLY MOLEY is right! And it's not even summer yet! Imagine what it will be like in the middle of summer, when I'm ready to come'll get to 120, I'm pretty sure!

I wonder why can't we fight wars in cooler places?

I don't know what date I'll be home. I won't know the exact date until just a few days before hand, and even then it might change around a bit. But we should be leaving here around the 20th of July or so, which means we should be home maybe the 23rd. We'll just have to wait and see though.

My camera is black, with some silver. I need to do a video of my new room, now that I'm almost all set up. I've got to say - having my own bathroom is REALLY nice! I don't have to get dressed and put shoes on and go for a walk just to go to the bathroom anymore, and that's nice. There are still lots of people who do live in the tents and don't have their own bathroom, so I'm really lucky.

Well, I need to get back to work. I'm going to try (again!) to call you today...I haven't been able to get through the last few times I've tried.
I love you! I hope that you are behaving well, young lady! And please let me know how the house plants are doing, Lady of the House! Does the orchid still have blooms?


Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Your shot: Miss
My shot: H3

Right now it's close to my bedtime, as you said.

Do you know what day you will be coming home? I mean like the actual day. Like the 25th, or the 29th, that kind of day. How much older does Balen look to you? He looks pretty older to me, like a year older or so. He makes a lot of noises. He also walks and is almost talking. He's making a lot of noises; like ba ba ba ba ba, or ma ma ma ma ma ma, or da da da da da da, and grunting. His grunting is funny. What color is your new camera? I think it's silver. It must be silver, because every camera has got to be silver or grey.

THAT'S CRAZY!!!! I said, "That's crazy" because it's 106 degrees F over where you are. Holy moley.

Goodbye, I love you, I wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next World War DLXIII.


RE: REPLY: Miss!

Your shot: Hit! You sunk my Cruiser!
My shot: D8

Yes, toddlers can definitely be cranky people! I can't wait to get home to see my baby boy! He has grown so much! I hope he isn't cranky when I get home, but even if he is, I'll still want to see him!

I also can't wait to see you! I hope that you won't be cranky when I get home to you! I'm going to want a big hug and a kiss from everyone!

I am having another busy day today, but it isn't as busy as yesterday, and that's good. It's really hot here now. It's currently 106 outside. IT"S NOT EVEN SUMMER YET!! YIKES!!

Gotta go - you have a great day today (because right now while I'm typing you are getting ready for school) and goodnight (because right now when you read this will be close to your bedtime!).

I love you and miss you,

Monday, May 07, 2007

REPLY: Miss!

Your shot: Miss
My shot: C2

I didn't get it the other times.

I would say Balen is playful, energetic (not too much energetic), very funny sometimes, demanding, rough sometimes, silly sometimes, and sometimes does the wrong thing. That is what I would say Balen is like. Balen is also impatient and very fussy. Most of the time cranky.

My day was fine. I played with Balen for a little in the evening, anyway. Daddy's fart was really intense (I'm just joking [From Daddy: I just taught her what the word intense means]). I think I should go. Balen is very fussy right now. He needs more sleep.

Goodbye, I love you. I wish I could see you in the morning! Until the next World War MMMMMDCLXXXXVII.

Love ya,

RE: REPLY: Miss!!!!!!

Here's the email for yesterday:
Your shot: Miss
My shot: F6

My day was very busy. We spent all morning putting up some tents, and I had to do my regular work in the afternoon. There's a lot of work for me to catch up on now from being out putting up tents all morning long yesterday. I've got contractors working on different jobs that I need to check up on, and I have new jobs to write the requirements for. I've also got some reports that I need to do and finish. It's so busy here, it's crazy!!!

A three minute shower, huh? That's pretty darn fast! Are you doing a good job washing your hair? And you got eight things back...that is really cool.

I should be moving into the trailer soon. When I do, I'll do another video for you. It will be harder to do a video of foxes though, because they aren't just wandering around...I've only seen them a few times, but hopefully if I see them again I'll have my camera and I'll be able to capture a video for you!

I love you!

RE: REPLY: I only got one email from you tonight

This will be the third time I've sent the attached email. Please let me know if you get it or not. It has the last shot that I made.

I'm glad I finally got to talk to you for a bit yesterday! It took me a long time to get through! It's so cool that Balen is making different sounds now. Soon, he will learn how to put the sounds together to make words! Then he'll be talking! How cool is that?!? And I'm glad that you think it's neat seeing a little bundle turn into a little person.

So, what would you say Balen is like? See, I can tell people what my daughter is like, because I know you really well - you are smart, determined, impatient, high-energy, intense, and quite capable of being extraordinarily loving. But what is Balen like? I don't think he's high-energy like you, or as intense. He seems to be more laid back and calm than you. But he might be a little impatient. We'll see how smart he is. What would you say about your little brother?

Well, it's taken me all morning just to get this typed - I've had a meeting to go to, I met with a contractor this morning, I helped a few people with a few other things...busy day so far. I started my day in the office by reading your email and typing up a reply. I started that at 0830. It's now after 1100 and I'm just now finishing the email! Ack!

I miss you lots, baby girl! I can't wait to get home and see you again. I love you,

Sunday, May 06, 2007

REPLY: I only got one email from you tonight

Maybe I didn't get the other email you sent me.

Thanks for saying my shoes look great. My pink and silver ones, by the way, are my tennis/running shoes. It's cool how little tiny bundles become a big gigantic adult person after so many years. Why do you have to work on Sundays? That's just odd.

My day was fine. I wanted to play Viva Pinata. I came home (we were out shopping) and I did my homework, and I messed around while I was doing it, so I didn't get to play Viva Pinata. I want to go now, I don't know why. I just want to go.

Goodbye, I love you. I wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next World War DLXIII

p.s. We didn't go to church today.

RE: REPLY: Miss!

I just sent you the email where I made my next shot.

I also just got watched the videos that Daddy sent - your new shoes look great! Make sure you only wear your pink & silver ones when you are actually doing exercises/running/playing outside.

You know how we have been writing about how amazing babies are that they start as little tiny delicate bundles and become little people? You started that way too! You were a precious little bundle when you were first born.

I'm sorry I didn't get to call yesterday. I tried a few times, but I was put on hold for a long time and when I actually did get through one time it went to a fax machine instead of a telephone. So I will try to call you guys three times in a row this tonight - well, tonight for me and after church for you.

Well, I need to go right now...gotta change my laundry over then I have e some inspections with some contractors...yep, we even work on Sundays!!!

I love you!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

REPLY: Miss!

My last shot was C5. You shot H4, then I said my shot was C5, and after that we didn't hear anything else from you.

I did get a second email yesterday, but I got one at 1:35am, and the other at 11:13pm. Neither one of them had your next shot. Maybe you just forgot to or something. Yep, I did have a good time at Chad and Dana's. Balen and Lyla did play together, but only sometimes. No we weren't over for Lyla's birthday, today is May 5th. 7 more days until her birthday party. Lyla's actual birthday is May 11th. I thought it was May 9th. Yep, it is cool how they are both walking and playing with toys and playing with other people. They both came from a little tiny bundle that's very quiet and delicate to a walking, making noise, loud, playful, not-so-delicate person. My race for education was good. I had a hot dog from a big grill. It would be like 3 times our grill. Yeah, 3 times our grill. I think it's that big, but it is pretty big. I don't know how big it is but it's really big. I got a soda which spilled on the towel. When I opened it, it got shook up. I think it got shook up. It must have gotten shook up a little because when I tried to open it, and I did open it, it kind of made some bubbles and then went over the top of it and spilled on the towel; luckily not on me. I'm going to go. It's 9:00.

I love you. Goodbye. I wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next World War DLX.


RE: I hope you sent me an email

Did you get the second email I sent you yesterday? That one has my shot...

At Chad & Dana's, huh? Did you have a good time? Did Balen and Lyla play well together? Were you guys over there for Lyla's birthday? Isn't cool how they are both walking and playing with toys now? I can't wait to get home to see my little guy and how big he is. I also can't wait to get home to see my girl and how big she's gotten. I really miss you guys a lot!

How was your race for education, anyways?

I'm sorry I didn't get to call yesterday - too busy. But I will call today.

I love you, my little angel!!!


Friday, May 04, 2007

RE: I hope you sent me an email

Don't forget to do your shot!

I'm sending this from Chad and Dana's. I want to do a real quick one because it's almost 9:00. Eight forty-something, I think.

No, I don't have sponsors for the race for education. Yep, viva pinatas are very fun. No, there's not any flowers yet. My daisy has been as it usually is. Just growing leaves and then after they're to a medium size they just flat out die. I don't know why it's doing that. When I get home I'm going to water it a lot, if I get to it.

Well, I love you, goodbye. I wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next World War CCLI.


RE: I hope you sent me an email

I didn't send one for you last night - I'm sorry. I was out of the office almost all day, but that's no excuse. I am sorry.

Your day was perfect, huh? That's awesome! Perfect days are the best!!!

Do you have sponsors for the race for education? I hope you have lots of fun with it. Piñatas are always lots of fun, don't you think?

I hope Balen doesn't start scribbling with that red marker!!! He will get his hands on just about everything he can, so be careful what you leave within his reach, okay? If something is important to you, don't leave it where he can get it.

How is your daisy doing? Are there any flowers?

I hope I can call you guys today. I love you and miss you lots, Sweetie. Have pleasant dreams, and wake up refreshed!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

I hope you sent me an email

I really hope you sent an email to me tonight. I didn't get an email from you, that's why.

My day was perfect. I wonder what your day was like. What was your day like? Hopefully your day was good. I got my name on the board and luckily I didn't have to write my rules, but um, ee, ay, uh, Bryan and Ricardo got a check mark. Well, we made little tissue paper flowers for the pinata on Friday. I can't wait until tomorrow, it's going to be so fun! I'm going to have a hot dog from the big gigantic grill, or however big it is. Tomorrow is the Race for Education! It's Thursday today, so Friday is tomorrow . Balen has one of my red markers, and the phone, of course. He keeps on playing around with a bunch of things, even my plant's pot.

Bye bye, I love you, I want to go now. I wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next World War DLXVIII...


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

REPLY: Miss!!!!!!

Your shot:Miss
My shot:C5

Yes, I'm reading Silver Sails, which we finished today. Silver Sails is a little book we read in at school, of course. Yes, Balen is very playful. Yes, little toddlers are so much fun when they are playful. Yes, babies are amazing. Yes, that would be silly if you were cold in the summertime. Yep, that would be good; a video of your new room in the trailer.

I would like a video of a few foxes, if you get to see some. Also, I would like a little message from you. Like, "Hello, I love you, Abigail. I wish I could be there for you." Or something like that. Cheyenne mountain sounds really tall.

My day was perfect. No name on the board. That means I get 8 things back. Also, I thought it was 7, but my daddy made it 8 because I had a 3 minute shower. Balen keeps on pushing a button on my phone and then putting it back on the charger. Now he's trying to put it on backwards. I got 8 things back because I was being good. That equals up to a lot of things.

I want to go now. It's 7:52, almost 8:00, and I want to be in bed on time.

I love you. Goodbye. Until the next World War MMMMMCCXVI.


RE: REPLY: Miss!

Your shot: Hit
My shot: H4

I'm also glad we are playing Battleship across the world from each other. I think that's pretty darn cool!

I'm really glad that you aren't totally focused on just toys, but that you want some nice things back for your room, like drawers. And books, too. It's always nice to have books. You are still doing lots of reading, right? I hope so - you are such a good, strong reader. I don't want you to lose your good reading skills by not practicing them!

I'm glad that Colorado sounds pretty cool to you. I do remember Cheyenne Mountain. If we go to Colorado, we'll be very close to the mountains. We'll be right at the foot of them! We'll see big mountains every day. But I'm still not sure that's where we are going. I'm still applying to two other schools, Nebraska and Penn State. It depends on the programs the schools have, which one is the best, not just the location of the school.

Your new tee-shirt sounds cool. I like orange. And speaking of foxes, two foxes ran past outside my office last night. One was chasing after the other one, is what it looked like. Crazy foxes! Sounds like your field trip was a good time, with lots of interesting critters to look at. Cool beans!

So, Balen is very playful, is he? That's good! Little toddlers are so much fun when they are playful, aren't they? Aren't babies amazing? Look how much your little brother has grown in a little over a year...he went from a teensy, quiet little bundle to a walking, laughing, playful person! I think that's pretty neat. It's one of the things that make babies so very special - it's that they aren't babies for very long.

But, you are still my baby girl! I'm so glad that you are my daughter, and not some quiet, shy, delicate little girl. I like my girl the way she is - strong and smart and full of energy!

Well, I should get's not my bedtime, but it's about time for me to go get my dinner. I sure am tired of this place, but I've still got two and a half months to go...not short enough to start counting the days, but soon I'll start counting down the weeks. It is already May...just June and July left after May. Boy, it's gonna be really hot for me. I might think it's cold in New Jersey when I get back home! Won't that be silly? Being cold in the summer time? We'll just have to see.

I love you, my girl! Don't ever forget that, okay?

Hey - is there anything in particular that you want a video from me of? Should I video my room for you? I'm going to move into a trailer room soon - probably this weekend. Should I do a video of that after I move in and get all settled? Let me know if there is something that you want me to do in a video for you.

Love you,

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

REPLY: Miss!

Your shot: Miss
My Shot: C3

Yay! I got the first shot! That means I'll probably win this game again, but ya never know. I'm getting better at Battleship. I'm glad we can play Battleship online across the world. I don't think anyone else would figure that out, that we can do Battleship across the world. Now I get 5 things back. 2 of them are going to be a few drawers, 2 of them are going to be books, and one of them will be a toy. That's how much I'm starting to earn books and other things like that back. I used to only be about toys toys toys toys! Now I'm about getting my bed back, and books back, and my drawers back.

Yes, Daddy did tell me that you have been accepted to UC Boulder. Colorado sounds pretty cool. Cheyenne mountain is there like in Stargate SG-1 where they work, Cheyenne Mountain? Remember that?

I'm glad I'm going to earn 5 things back. I like earning my things back.

My day was perfectly fine. We went to a field trip today. Guess what? I got a new t-shirt! Yaaaaay! I love t-shirts. It's an orange one. It has a circle with a fox head in the circle. It's kind of hard to explain. We'll send you a picture of it, of me wearing it, in fact. Balen is really playful. It's a light orange one. Gabriella got the same one I did. At the field trip we saw chickadees, a black vulture, and a turkey vulture, some deer up close, a fox, a crow that would say, "Wa wa, woo woo" or something like that. It could also laugh. It picked that up from every time people went up to it. It was something something wildlife refuge. I forgot the first two words. We also saw... I forgot what kind of bird she was... but her name was Killy. It was like a keshtral or something. Sometimes people call it a sparrow hawk. We saw a bard owl. We also saw a screeching owl. They're not too big when they're full grown. They look kind of like babies when they are grown up.

Darn, I have to leave, sorry. It's 8:00. Bye bye, my lovey lovey! I love you. Until the next World War CXXVI.


Your shot: HIT!
My shot: J2

Congratulations, Abigail! You got the first hit!

Did Daddy tell you that I've been accepted to UC Boulder? I'm still going to apply to two other schools, but it's good to know that I've been accepted to a school. That's a big relief for me! What do you think of Colorado?

I’m glad that you got your diary back. I think you should write things in it when you feel the need to. You can write anything you want to in your diary - you can write about how you are feeling, about make believe things, about how annoying your little brother is - or about how much you love the little cutie - or anything at all that you want to.

Today will be another busy day for me - we're starting the day with a FOD walk, which means the whole squadron will go out and walk on a part of the airfield and pick up anything we find out there. Usually, it's just small rocks. This is a very boring job, and most of us think it a huge waste of everyone's time. But we have to do what we are told. Then I'm taking a crew of my guys to put stakes in the ground for some new tents. After that I'll come back to the office and go through a lot of different papers that I need to review…it'll be more of the same for the afternoon, although I think I'll head out and check on some of the job sites this afternoon - we have seven different construction projects going on right now, so there's a lot for me to check on!

I've got to go…I love you, Little Miss Abs!