Friday, May 11, 2007

RE: REPLY: Miss!!!!!!!!!!

Your shot: Miss
My shot: A8

Yes, I can take a picture of my camera for you!
I did a couple of videos of my room already - I think I'll have to send them home on discs though, because they are too big to email. But I don't type the emails to from my room. I type them here at work.

I'm glad I got to talk to you for a little bit today! It seems like it has been a while since we've talked, doesn't it? I'm glad the house plants are doing fine...are you the one who takes care of them, or is it Daddy? Or do both of you remind each other about it?

Well Sweetie, I'm sorry for the short email. I need to get to dinner, then I'm going to actually go to my room and rest/relax for a little bit. I've been coming back to work almost every night for the last couple of weeks, and even though I do still have more stuff to do, I need a little break from it all. So, I'm going to have dinner, go to my new room and shower and change, then stay in my room for a while and read or watch tv or a movie or something.


I love you! I love you all!


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