Wednesday, May 30, 2007

RE: Email for one, email for two, and email for you!

Your shot: Miss
My shot: A1

So, you weren't spanked severely, but you weren't exactly perfect
either. That's ok. I still love you bunches and bunches!

You got your snake back - that's cool. You still like that snake? You
don't play with it all that much, but I bet you could play with Balen
with it. That would be cute. I though you guys playing with bubbles
was really cool. I will blow bubbles for both of you to chase around
when I get home, okay?

I've been very busy lately, since the new people are settling in and now
they are starting to ask us for stuff. And people keep coming to me and
asking me about different projects and if we can do this or if we can do
that. It's driving some of us crazy!!! We can't wait to get out of
here. It's hot and really dusty and everything is dirty and we're tired
of the same food all the time. We're tired of each other a little bit
too...know what I mean?

Do you still want help with the clues?

I'm gonna get to work kiddo. I actually am typing this email at night
time for me, but I have so much stuff to get done that I am staying in
the office late tonight. Just too much to do right now. I should be
able to knock a few things off my list tonight though, and that'll be

Love you lots, Little Punk!


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