Thursday, May 24, 2007

RE: REPLY: Miss!!

Your shot: Hit!
My shot: H8

Hey baby girl! You know that you are still my baby girl, don't you? I
love my girl!
So tell me what order you have your clues in. I will tell you if you
are right or wrong. Why don't you tell me the first 7 or 8, whatever
you think makes the most sense, ok?

It sure is getting hot out here. It's about 105 right now, and it's
7pm. Crazy, huh? By the time I get home, I'm going to think that it's
cold there in NJ, even though it's summer. I can't wait to get out of
here - it's hot, it's dirty, and I really miss you guys!

Goodnight, my sweet! Until tomorrow's email!



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