Sunday, May 20, 2007

REPLY: Hit, Darnit!

Your shot: Hit!
My shot: D10

Balen is doing fine. He is becoming a pain in the butt, though. But we have to deal with it, he is just a baby. Daddy is doing fine. Except for getting mad at me and stuff (By the way, I printed 5 pictures. I was on, fun games and activities, and it said that there was an ink error on my computer, and something was wrong with the printer, so it printed out two copies of one picture when it was set to one copy.) I think Balen is used to you not being around. Daddy said he's not really used to you not being around. And I'm not really used to you not being around.

Goodbye, I love you, my mother. I wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next most dangerous World War MMDCCCLIII.

p.s. Balen shut down the computer by pulling on my alarm clock. The alarm clock was hooked on to the power cord of the computer. Then when he tugged on the power cord, it pulled the power cord out of the back of the computer so it shut down the computer so my first email was erased.


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