Monday, May 14, 2007

REPLY: Don't worry, I sent you an email!

Hopefully you get this email that I'm sending you!!!

Your World with Neil Cavuto show:
Allo! This is Neil Cavuto! Just kidding. Me and Daddy were on TV. So was Balen, but Balen wasn't sitting in a chair on camera. Balen's only in pictures during the show. We're going to send you the show. The title is, "Your World with Neil Cavuto". That's why I have that at the top. I also went to in the waiting room. I call it the waiting room. They call it the Green Room. That's a funny name for a room. We had these little ear thingies where we would hear Mr. Cavuto. He was talking to me! But mostly Daddy. I can't believe I'm on TV finally!! It's been my dream!! NOT. It hasn't really been my dream, but it's just really cool to be on TV. I never thought I would be on TV. That's just so cool! There was a little microphone hooked onto our shirts. It had to go under our shirts. Touching our skin, well, the wire anyway. The actual microphone was clipped onto the neck of our shirts. He asked me some questions, and the first question Mr. Cavuto asked me, when I answered, he laughed. I thought I said, "Morning". But really, I had said, "Night". So I had said, "Well, night anyways." The second question he asked me I said more than I did to answer the first question.

I think I should go now, goodbye, I love you, I wish I could see you in the morning. Until the next World War MMMDCCCLVI.

My day was Perrrrrrrrrrrrrfecto!!!!!!!!!!



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