Wednesday, May 02, 2007

REPLY: Miss!!!!!!

Your shot:Miss
My shot:C5

Yes, I'm reading Silver Sails, which we finished today. Silver Sails is a little book we read in at school, of course. Yes, Balen is very playful. Yes, little toddlers are so much fun when they are playful. Yes, babies are amazing. Yes, that would be silly if you were cold in the summertime. Yep, that would be good; a video of your new room in the trailer.

I would like a video of a few foxes, if you get to see some. Also, I would like a little message from you. Like, "Hello, I love you, Abigail. I wish I could be there for you." Or something like that. Cheyenne mountain sounds really tall.

My day was perfect. No name on the board. That means I get 8 things back. Also, I thought it was 7, but my daddy made it 8 because I had a 3 minute shower. Balen keeps on pushing a button on my phone and then putting it back on the charger. Now he's trying to put it on backwards. I got 8 things back because I was being good. That equals up to a lot of things.

I want to go now. It's 7:52, almost 8:00, and I want to be in bed on time.

I love you. Goodbye. Until the next World War MMMMMCCXVI.



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