RE: REPLY: We all got new toys today!
New toys! That's pretty cool! A unicorn with a long dress that lights up,
huh? That sounds right up your alley!
No you didn't tell me about the fireworks. Did you enjoy watching the
fireworks? Did Balen like it, or was he frightened of the loud noises?
Funnel cakes - yum! And yes I know what you mean by 'glowing ropes.'
I've got to get to dinner, okay? I was working outside most of the day. I
was with the Dirt Boyz today. I drove dump truck, and helped with the water
truck, spraying water on a track we're building, and then I operated the
roller. It was lots of fun for me. I had a great time, and the guys said I
did a good job. So I didn't have to sit in my office all day, and today
wasn't that bad outside was only about 110. Can you believe I
just said that? I said " It's ONLY 110." Crazy!
I love you! I can't wait until I see you next. It will be soon now...just
a couple more weeks to go.
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