RE: REPLY: We are going to kind of like skip my email WANT to go to bed? Are you okay Sweetie? It's okay to skip the
email sometimes. I understand.
You must have had a very active day, I bet! And you'll be starting
horseback riding lessons. Are you excited to get back into it?
I ran a 10K this morning. That's 6.2 miles. I ran it in 47 minutes and 48
seconds. That means that I ran each mile in less than 8 minutes. That's a
pretty good time for a mama! I didn't win though - the top 3 men and the
top 3 women got prizes, and I think I was the 4th woman to cross the finish
line. Oh well. Everyone who ran got a t-shirt. But after that run, I'd
like to lay down for a bit and rest my arms and my legs and the rest of my
body too!
Tonight I'll be working with one of the shops. We'll be doing some
maintenance on some big generators. For me, it's going to be fun. I am
happy that I get to work with the guys tonight. And on Friday night, I'm
going to be calling out the numbers for bingo. We play bingo every Friday
night, and I am going to make up some extra rules to make it more exciting.
What's really funny about bingo is that if there is a tie, we have a
dance-off. That means that the two people who won have to dance, and the
crowd cheers for whichever one they like the best. It gets pretty funny.
Also on Friday I'll be working with another one of the shops, working
outside - probably doing some concrete work, but I'm not sure yet.
I'm sending Daddy some pictures of me playing basketball the other day. Ask
him to show them to you.
I just can't wait to get home. Every day I get more and more excited about
going home, because we are that much closer! I miss you guys a lot, and I
just want to get back to you. I can't wait to step off the bus and have you
come running up to me! I'm gonna pick you up and give you the biggest
squeeze ever, so be ready for it!!
Well, I'm gonna try to get some work done. Things have slowed down just a
little bit now that I've gotten a few projects ready for contracts. There's
still more to get done, but it's nice to have some of them out of the way.
I love you!
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