Good! Maybe we'll live somewhere that has a pool that we can go to. Then
we can teach you to swim ourselves. If not, we'll find a YMCA or something
like that and get you in a class. If they have any available. Usually they
are filled up by this time, so you might have to wait until next summer to
take a class - but like I said, Mommy and Daddy can always teach you!
Abigail, please don't lie. I know that it is easier to say whatever you
think won't get you in trouble, but really that just gets you in more
trouble, doesn't it?
Well, if there's bird poop on your swingset, why don't you go in the house,
get a Clorox wipe, and just clean it up? I know that since you are a kid,
cleaning it up doesn't occur to you. But think about it for a moment: will
it take a long time to run in the house and get a wipe out from under the
kitchen sink? Is it hard to do, to wipe the swing and the slide? Then
you'd just have to throw it away in the trash, wash your hands, and you're
done! Easy, huh? I think you should try that next time you see bird poop
on your swingset. Then you can play on all of it!
It's going to be so awesome to come home! I just can't wait to get home and
see you. Here's an idea for you: do you want to plan breakfast for the next
morning when I come home? I would like to have breakfast at home - I don't
want to eat out for breakfast my first morning home. I want to be home with
you guys. But what will we eat. You know that I want some fresh eggs.
Everything else is up to you, okay? You can look through your cookbooks if
you want to pick something out from there, or you can just think of what we
should have yourself. As long as I get some good coffee in the morning, and
some fresh eggs to eat, you can add anything else that you want to. How
does that sound? If it is too much stress for you to plan breakfast for the
family, then no problem, you don't have to. Only do this if you want to.
I love you! Have you made a chain to count down the days?