Tuesday, February 27, 2007

REPLY: I forgive you

Don’t worry, I forgive you! I’ll always forgive my family members, and everyone else in the wooooooorld, the humongous humongous gigantic gigantic biggest bigger world! But not bigger than God. Well, maybe, but I don’t really know. Daddy just told me. Just to be more specific, Daddy told me that God is bigger than the world.

Well, I went to the Smith’s today. Oh, and by the way, my shot is C5. Isn’t playing that Battleship across countries online cool? Today I got something back but then I lost it again. Hopefully I get it back after my email. We went to the Smith’s because we were going to Chad’s birthday party. Well, not really a party. Just had some dinner, we had some cake which Miss Dana thought was disgusting, and I kind of at the end did not really like it. At first I was like [slurp] mmm mmm mmmmmmmmm give me my cake! I didn’t really say that, but I was thinking that. Right now I’m putting my feet under Jasmine to get them warm. And my sickness has gone away, so don’t you worry, missy. Uh, oh. I think I have a time limit that’s up. Well, actually one extra minute! Okay, g-o-o-d-b-y-e. I love you. I wish I could see you in the morning, but I can’t. So goodbye.



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