Wednesday, February 21, 2007


My forgiveness is nice, Isn’t it? Yep, it is. Good.

Guess What? I had A girls shopping day on Sunday with Ms Kim. It was so fun! We bought new pajammies for me, which came with a hair tie. We got a new purple shirt, a blue shirt, a pink shirt, a pink and white striped shirt, and we got me a green, blue, and pink striped shirt with golden edges on each stripe, with a flower on the top, and we got new shorts for me, new skorts for me, we got a new dress for me, and we got a new skirt for me, and I got new sandals. It was a fun shopping day. We spent like $95 or $102 on me or something. We even got Maggie Moos ice cream. Mmmmm, ice creammmmm. Remember Homer? Like mmmmm, doughnuuuuuts.

Man, I so badly want you back! Man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man! I soooooooooooooooooooo badly want my beautiful little mother back! If I don’t see her in five months, well, maybe four, but I don’t really know, alalalalalalalala whatever. If I don’t get you back, as I was saying, in five or four months, I will kick myself! NOT!!! Not kind of means you’re joking. Did I tell you that already? If I did, sorry about repeating myself. Well, today was show and tell, and today I brought little Thunderbolt and little Holly Horse. I named her Snowflake, but I’m calling her Holly Horse, because that’s her real name. That’s what I do with my animals, if I don’t like their real name I name them something else. When I talk to somebody, I call them their real name. That’s how it goes with my animals. Well, I think I might want to go now. It’s 7:59, so goodbye! G O O D B Y E. That spells goodbyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee.





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