I think you are very funny, Abigail! I read your emails to some of my coworkers, and they laugh too. It's so cute and funny the things that you say. Like the "My Favorite Fonts List" thing. Cute.
What do you think of this font? I think it's a little hard to read...but maybe you like it. It's called Banjoman Open Bold.
Please let me know when Balen starts signing in ernest. (That means when he's doing it on purpose all the time.)
It looks like we might have to move when I come back. I just want you to be prepared for it if we need to move - I know that you'll feel sad, but we'll be on to new adventures as a family. If you could choose, where would you want our family to move to? It has to be in the United States, so you can't pick another country, but you can pick any state you want. Maybe you could look at a map, or maybe you already have one in mind.
I love you! Please behave yourself!
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