Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Your shot: Miss
My shot: G9

You are right about Balen and the ocean - not safe for him to just walk
in there alone. You either, for that matter, until you learn how to
swim. And even then, you need to be careful. You've got to know what
you're doing, and that comes with practice and with being around other
people who know what to do in the ocean.

Today was another very busy day for me. I hope that you had another
perfect day! I love to hear about your perfect days!

I can't tell you exactly when I'll be coming home, but I did find out
the date today. I can't tell you exactly when because it's a security
risk. What that really means is that I can't tell you on email or the
phone because it's possible that some bad guys would get that
information, then they would know a little bit of what's going on here,
and that's a big risk, because then they could plan an attack on us. We
don't want that to happen, so I can't tell you the date. I should be
home around the time I told you before - 23rd or 25th or somewhere in
there. We're talking about July, remember...

And hey - CONGRATULATIONS! That's my girl! Little smarty-pants! Good
job Abigail! Excellent work. I'm going to look at the videos that
Daddy sent me in a few minutes. I'm very proud of you, Sweetheart.

I love you lots!


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