Thursday, April 26, 2007

REPLY: Miss!

Your first shot: Miss My first shot: E5

I was being bad at school. I mean like bad attitude. Yesterday I got sent out of the classroom because I rolled my eyes and sighed because I didn't want to do math. {Daddy stepping in here: She doesn't appear to be able to recall anything. I spanked her with the belt because I warned her the night before that if she repeated her horrible performance at school again she would get spanked with the belt. She was just as bad. She was not doing her work. She was displaying bad attitude. She was disrespectful. Enough so that her teacher sent her out of the classroom until movie time. The first time I tried with the belt I was so careful it didn't hurt, although she was so scared about it that she acted in pain at first, then the surprise registered on her face that it didn't really hurt.}

Yes, I do like his haircut. His bangs are like all lined up straight. I like it when my bangs are all straight.

Daddy's haircut looks nice, too. He has a few light spots of hair. He has a little bit of silver hair and he said it's a birthmark. I didn't know that. His bangs are a little lined up, but kinda like... it's hard to explain. I can't really explain it.

Yes, the hedgehog video was really cool. Saving the little hedgehog from the traffic jam. (I don't really mean traffic jam. It's just for fun.) It's only 6:49.

My day was perfectly fine. I had a perfect day. It was one of the best days I ever had in my whole entire life. I was very good today. That's why my day was perfect. Also, it was perfect because I got two things back. But I lost my DS because I was playing instead of doing my email. I don't like getting my DS taken away. I was playing Catz. I got Catz from Baba. Baba gave it to me. I like the name Baba, don't you? Daddy said Balen's already a geek. Which means he likes electronics just like his daddy. I think his favorite animal when he grows up will be a tiger, or rhinoceros, or giraffe, or lion. I don't know what his favorite animal is going to be. I have more than one favorite animal. Did you know that? My second favorite animal is a little dolphin. Baby dolphins and teenager dolphins and kid dolphins, and adult dolphins. Like a mama and a papa. Okay, I'm done.

I love you, goodbye my sweetie pie dear heetie fie cear. I love you so much. I wish I could see you in the morning and forever, too. Until the next world war MCLII.



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