Saturday, March 24, 2007


Your shot was miss. Oh my. My shot is E4.

My day was alright. Well, I still need to water my plant. I was going to take a drink, but Daddy got all mad at me. I don't like it when people get mad at me for little things like that. He got mad at me because he didn't want me to do something other than doing my email. When I opened my eyes the first thing I did was close my eyes and just relax for a little bit. After a little while I went into Balen's room and played with him for a little while. Then I went to go to the bathroom and that's when Daddy came out of his room. I went to the bathroom downstairs, and guess what, I found out that the downstairs one was clogged. And we now have two toilets clogged; my bathroom toilet and the downstairs toilet. We only have one toilet that we can go in. Only your toilet. Daddy just said he would fix it as soon as he puts Balen and me to bed. Balen's just walking all over the place now. It's just so cool. And he's actually doing speed-walking or something like that. I think you know that he's definitely been doing speed-crawling when he wants something very badly and it's far away. Do you know that?

Well, I do know it's spring, of course. Well, I haven't really seen the flowers, but in the backyard by the shed there are little blooms coming up. And there's also a purple flower, I forgot what it's called, but it's blooming on the table. It's yellowish inside. And of course I would take pictures for you. But the problem is that I don't know where my stoo-pid camera is. Yes, that sounds funny. I laughed a bit when Daddy read that to me. Excuse me! I farted, sorry!

We did go to Chad and Dana's house today. I had a good time, except for when we were leaving. I was rolling around in their play-hut thingie. I think the brand is Playhut. Balen tried to turn off the computer. He's trying right now, but it didn't work. That's good.

Okay, I'm done. I love you my sweetie pie! You're my favorite mother, and the best one, too. And the most nicest one, too. Good morning!



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