Saturday, March 31, 2007

RE: REPLY: I don't get why you have to go to IRAQ.

Your shot: miss My shot: G10

You are absolutely right that Balen can't wear his - it is a choking hazard. You are a very smart girl, Lady of the House! I'm glad you are there look out for little Balen and to take care of yourself. I hope you are taking care of Daddy, too. I think he's sick also, so you should be nice to him, too.

I hope my whole family is feeling better soon. I'm sorry that everyone is sick.

I mailed you letter today (finally!). Sorry that it took me so long. I'll do better next week.

I'm really tired. I didn't sleep very well last night, and now I'm sleepy. I hope you've had a good day!

And there is absolutely no need to repay me. Those are for you.



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