RE: Life is OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Life (in tune) is OKAY! Clap, clap. Life is OKAY! Clap, clap. My life is okay!!!!!
I got two of your letters and one card! It's cool that you got a box from MS.Kim!! I got a bracelet and a necklace with a shirt from Ms Kim for Valentine's Day in a bag. Daddy will take a picture of the bracelet and the necklace with the shirt. He's going to take a picture of me wearing it. When you come back, Balen and I might still have pink eye. Because Balen and me have pink eye. And I can tell that I have pink eye. It started today, I have puss in my eye. Do you know what kind of puss I mean? Yes, good. Because I know you're not dumb. You're very very smart. You're so smart, you're one of the smartest people I've ever heard of.
Well, gotta go, love ya lots. Bye!
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