Thursday, January 25, 2007


Today I was again very busy. I got lots of people working together on an important job, I directed some people (who I'm the boss of) on what they needed to do next, and I worked on some paperwork for someone at home. I went to a couple of meetings too. Things are starting to settle down a little bit, so I will be able to email you a little more soon. And even send you some pictures.

I need to get going though. I need to get dinner, then I'll go to an abs class. Abs - cool, huh? Your abs are your tummy muscles, if you didn't know. But whenever anyone says Abs, I think of you.

I have your picture up in my office, and everyone that sees it says "what a pretty girl" or "how beautiful!" I also keep a picture of you with me everywhere I go. It’s the picture of you and me from Christmastime. I also have the picture of Daddy and Balen that I keep with me.

Is Balen still trying to say your name? I really think that you will be his first word - he loves you a lot. And so do I!

I love you! Be a good girl - it is very important that you behave well. And it needs to come from within yourself.

You are in my heart,


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